Monday, September 1, 2008

Adhesive capsulitis

1. What are the stages of adhesive capsulitis?
2. What conditions is adhesive capsulitis associated with?
3. What imaging is done for adhesive capsulitis?
4. What is the conservative treatment?
5. What is the surgical treatment?

1. The first, painful stage is a progressive vague pain lasting 8 months, the second stiffening stage lasts about 8 months with decreasing ROM, and the third thawing stage results in increasing ROM with decreased pain.
2. CVA, hemorrhage, brain tumor, clinical depression, shoulder-hand syndrome, Parkinson's disease, iatrogenic disorder, cervical disc disease, IDDM, hypothyroidism.
3. Do plain films to rule out underlying tumor or calcium deposit or if there is not improvement with 3 months of treatment, arthroscopy shows decreased joint volume.
4. Restoring ROM, decrease pain, corticosteroid injection, home program, modalities.
5. Manipulation under anesthesia or arthroscopic lysis of adhesions.

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