Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Residual limb management

1. What is the ideal shape for transtibial and transfemoral residual limb?
2. When should whirlpool treatments be used on wounds?
3. What is the first kind of postoperative dressing that is used on the residual limb?
4. How often should a shrinkage device be worn?
5. What behaviors should be avoided to prevent contractures?

1. Transtibial: cylindrical. Transfemoral: conical.
2. If wound is infected. If uninfected, whirlpool causes edema.
3. A removable rigid dressing, made of plaster or fiberglass cast, which may be adjusted by adding or removing socks.
4. 24 hrs per day except for bathing.
5. Avoid lying on overly soft mattress, placing a pillow between the legs or under the knee, lying with residual limb hanging off edge of bed, sitting for prolonged periods. Crutch walking encourages good ROM and lying prone 15 min TID.

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