Wednesday, April 22, 2009

LE Prosthesis prescription

1. What is the best prosthetic option for a hindfoot amputation?
*2. What sort of prosthetics are used with a Syme amputation?
*3. What is a patellar tendon bearing socket?
*4. What are pressure tolerant areas in the lower extremity?
5. What are pressure-sensitive areas?

1. Custom prosthetic foot with a self-suspending split socket.
2. Canadian Syme socket with either posterior or medial opening, which requires removal of a portion of the socket wall to get the stump in, and has poor cosmesis. Available feet include a SACH, SAFE, Seattle Syme foot, Syme flex foot, carbon copy Syme foot.
3. This is the standard socket, which is a plastic custom-molded socket that distributes pressure to tolerant areas and relief to sensitive areas. Bar in anterior wall applies pressure to patellar tendon.
4. Patellar tendon, pretibial muscles, popliteal fossa, lateral shaft of fibula, medial tibial flare.
5. Tibial crest, tubercle, condyles, fibular head, distal tibia and fibula, hamstring tendons.

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