Monday, April 6, 2009

Gait characteristics

1. What is the stride length? Step length?
*2. What is the normal distribution between stance and swing phases?
3. What is the distribution between double limb and single limb support?
4. What is cadence?
5. What is a comfortable walking speed?
6. Where is the center of gravity?

1. Stride is measured from successive points of contact of same foot. Step length is measured from points of contact of opposite feet (approx 15-20 in).
2. 60% in stance phase, 40% swing phase. Faster walking decreases time in stance phase.
3. Double support is 20% of gait cycle, single support is 80%.
4. Cadance is the number of steps per unit of time.
5. 3 MPH.
6. 5 cm anterior to the 2nd sacral vertebra.

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