Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pediatrics: elbow and knee injury

1. What is nursemaid's elbow? How is it treated?
2. What is Little Leaguer's elbow and how is treated?
3. What is Osgood-Schlatter's disease? How is it diagnosed and treated?

1. Displacement of the radial head and neck distal to the annular ligament, with normal hand function and elbow X-ray. Treatment is by supination of the forearm.
2. Medial epicondylitis from repetitive stress on the apophysis of the medial humeral epicondyle ossification center, usually from baseball throwing. Treatment is rest.
3. Common self-limited disease of anterior tibial tubercle, which results in microfractures in the apophyseal cartilage and pain. X-ray may be normal or reveal fragmentation of ossified portion of the tibial tubercle. Treatment is activity restriction for 4-8 weeks, especially activities requiring deep knee bends.

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