Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Congenital limb deficiency

1. When does limb development occur in utero?
2. What is the preferred classification system for limb deficiency?
3. What are five syndromes associated with limb deficiency?
*4. What is the most common congenital limb deficiency?
*5. When should the initial upper extremity prosthetic first be fitted? When should a terminal device first be fitted?

1. First trimester, day 26 of gestation till 8 weeks.
2. ISPO, which divides deformities into transverse and longitudinal.
3. TAR syndrome, Fanconi's syndrome, Holt-Oram Syndrome, Baller-Gerold Syndrome, VACTERL.
4. Left terminal transradial.
5. First fitting when child achieves sitting balance at 6-7 months. TD provided at 11-13 months, when child begins to walk and performs simple grasp.

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