Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sacroiliac jt disorders

*1. What is the sacroiliac jt and what is its innervation?
2. What is the clinical presentation of SI jt pain?
3. What are provocative tests of the SI jt?
4. What studies are used to assess the SI jt?

1. The SI jt is the articulation between the sacrum and ilium with a synovial jt anterior and syndesmosis posterior. Innervation is L5 dorsal ramus and lateral S1-S3 dorsal rami.
2. Acute or gradual back, buttock, leg, or groin pain, discomfort with associated muscles.
3. FABER test, Gaenslen test, iliac compression test (SI jt pain with downward force on iliac crest), Yeoman's test (SI jt pain with hip ext and ilium rotation), Gillet test (normal is that PSIS rotates down with raising leg 90 deg), Seated flexion test (monitor PSIS while pt bends forward).
4. X-ray, bone scan, CT, MRI. Fluoroscopic SI jt injxn may have higher diagnostic value.

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