Monday, December 29, 2008

Facet syndrome

1. What are facet joints?
2. What is the etiology of facet syndrome?
3. What is the presentation of facet syndrome?
4. How is facet syndrome diagnosed?
5. What is the treatment of facet syndrome?

1. These are true synovial joints containing a capsule, meniscus, and synovial membrane.
2. Somatic dysfunction, positional overload, capsular tears, meniscus/synovial impingement, spondylosis.
3. Neck or back pain, worse rotation and extension. Referred pain to neck may be nondermatomal. No neuro abnormalities.
4. Imaging with X-ray (degen changes), CT, MRI (hypertrophy of capsule and facets).
5. Relative rest, NSAIDs. Rehab focusing on lumbar spine stabilization with flexion and neutral postures. Interventional procedures including facet jt injections or dorsal rami medial branch ablation.

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