Saturday, July 12, 2008


1. What is measured during cystometry?
2. What sensations are measured during cystometry?
3. What is the accepted normal bladder capacity?
4. In a spinal cord injured patient, what should the volumes of the bladder be maintained below? What occurs if volumes are too high?
5. What are urodynamic studies performed to assess?

1. Sensation, capacity, and presence of involuntary detrusor activity.
2. First sensation of bladder filling (100-200cc), bladder fullness (300-400cc), and urgency (400-500cc).
3. 300-600cc.
4. Volume should be maintained below 400-500cc. If higher, this can result in vesicoureteral reflux, overflow incontinence, and hydro-ureter.
5. The bladder neck, the external sphincter, and the detrusor.

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