Thursday, October 30, 2008

Elbow dislocation

1. What is the mechanism of elbow dislocation?
2. What is seen clinically with elbow dislocation?
3. What are other injuries associated with elbow dislocation?
4. What is the treatment for elbow dislocation?
5. What are possible adverse outcomes?

1. Fall on outstretched hand. Posterior dislocation is more likely.
2. Inability to bend elbow, pain in shoulder/wrist. On PE, do careful neurovasc eval.
3. Fracture of radial head, median nerve injury, brachial artery injury.
4. Reduction, splint for 10 days, then ROM and NSAIDs.
5. Loss of ROM (esp extension), ectopic bone formation, neurovasc injury, arthritis.

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