Sunday, August 10, 2008

Reflexes following SCI

1. What is spinal shock? How long does it usually last?
2. What are the first reflexes to return, signaling the end of spinal shock?
3. What does the return of the bulbocavernosus reflex mean for bowel and bladder?
4. What are signs of increased reflex activity?

1. During spinal shock, muscles are flaccid and hyporeflexic, with atonic paralysis of the bowel and bladder, with gastric atony. Autonomic function is also impaired. It lasts 24hrs to 3mo (avg of 3 wks).
2. Bulbocavernosus reflex and anal wink.
3. Reflex B/B function is intact.
4. Reflexes becomes stronger, starting distally and proceeding proximally. Babinski sign, followed by Achilles, followed by patellar reflex. Bladder will start to contract at irregular intervals.

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